I had the opportunity to participate in C.A.M.P. the first weekend of April. This is a ministry that God birthed in the heart of Ashley Rogers a number of years ago. I have to say it was a life changing experience and I am excited to start facilitating my own sessions with groups of people. God does the work during these sessions using art using the creative process as a tool to help people overcome obstacles in their life, get more clarity for their purpose and experience breakthrough! Wow What a weekend!

What you see below is from Ashley’s website:https://www.createdministry.com/training
To just explain the process a little more

what is camp

The purpose of CAMP is to prepare and equip God’s people to use the arts as a tool in their communities to bring healing, hope, and the light of Jesus. It is designed to train leaders to guide groups of people or individuals through an artistic process that is encouraging and restorative to the soul.

what will be covered at camp

We will learn through hands on experience, teaching, praying and creating work through and cover the following:

-the value of being still and listening to the Holy Spirit

-thinking outside the box

-learning to lead sessions

-practicing curriculum and ideas

-being sensitive to emotional needs

-working with different art supplies

-practical ministry skills

-brainstorming ways to use this ministry and gifts in your context

-personal coaching time

This might look like a sweet joyful group of ladies gathered for a cute picture. But if you look closer you will see an army. You will see passion in their eyes for the Kingdom of God. You will see paint on their hands as they use the arts to battle the darkness. You will see streaks on their cheeks as their tears paved the way for walls to break. You will see chins held high because of their courage to take on the challenges before them- not because they are strong, but because He is. You will see Texas, Colorado, Arizona and New Jersey Gathering to see what God is going to do. And if you look even closer, you will see fire enveloping them- because they walk with the empowered spirit of a woman who hungers after Jesus and knows when they taste Him nothing else will satisfy. So when you think you are looking at the group photo of the Created Arts Ministry Program from this spring semester, look a little closer, if you dare.